Sponsors & Supporters
The British Army brand is recognised world wide. With a diverse range of disciplines at all levels of British Motorsport it offers sponsors an excellent platform for brand and product placement.
Motorsport in the Army is offset by non-public funds through the Headquarters of Army Sports . However motorsport is never going to be a cheap sport and in order to achieve our Chairman’s mission of ‘Giving serving members of the Army the opportunity to participate in Motorsport’ we are looking for sponsors.
The British Army has appointed Major Mark Saunders as the Chair of the British Army Motorsports Association. In that role he will act as the focal point across BAMA for sponsorship, ensuring that we meet the business needs of sponsors.
If you would like to become involved in Army Motorsport brand then we would love to hear from you. Please contact us by completing the form and he will be happy to discuss your involvement further.